Koncerty vážné hudby

Poslechněte si perly klasické hudby v nádherném Koncertním sále, jehož strop zdobí původní fresky Fabiána Šebastiána Václava Harovníka z poloviny 17. století.

Koncerty vážné hudby se konají každý den od 13:00 do 14:00.

V rámci téměř hodinového programu zazní díla nejvýznamnějších barokních skladatelů Bacha a Vivaldiho, klasicistních mistrů Mozarta a Beethovena i předních českých skladatelů 19. století Dvořáka a Smetany v podání tria flétna, viola, klavír. 


· M. A. Charpentier – Te Deum

· A. Vivaldi – Allegro (Čtvero ročních období)

· Philipp Hyacinth Lobkowicz – Suita C dur

· W. A. Mozart – Turecký pochod

· Ch. W. Gluck – Pizzicato

· Ludwig van Beethoven – Pro Elišku

· Jan Jiří Benda – Grave

· Sólo pro flétnu

· George Bizet – Fantazie na motivy z Carmen

· Antonín Dvořák – Valčík

· Bedřich Smetana – Vltava

· Claude Debussy – Dívka s vlasy jako len

· Claude Debussy – Danse bohémienne

· W. A. Mozart – Vivat Bacchus

Klavírní recitál

Přijďte si poslechnout jedinečné kusy od světových mistrů vážné hudby zahrané na klavír v prostředí Koncertního sálu Lobkowiczkého paláce. 

Klavírní recitály se konají od  16. dubna 2025 každou středu a sobotu 16:30 – 17:30

Program (cca 60 min)

Johann Sebastian Bach - Preludium
Johann Sebastian Bach - Siciliano
Johann Sebastian Bach - Invention
Ludwig van Beethoven - Adagio cantabile from Sonate c minor  
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Rondo alla Turca  
Ludwig van Beethoven - For Elise
Fryderyk Chopin - Nocturno
Fryderyk Chopin - Scherzo or Ballade
Robert Schumann - Arabesque
Ferenc Liszt - Concert piece
Bedřich Smetana - Vltava
Antonin Dvořák - Humoreska
Manuel Ponce - Intermezzo
Jaroslav Ježek - Bugatti Step

Alternující pianisté:

Martin Fila je český klavírista, který se proslavil svou technickou zdatností a hlubokým interpretačním projevem. Vystudoval prestižní hudební školy a pravidelně se účastní domácích i mezinárodních klavírních soutěží, kde dosahuje vynikajících výsledků. Je známý svou širokou repertoárovou škálou, zahrnující jak klasické skladby, tak i méně známé, ale fascinující díla.  Kromě koncertní činnosti se věnuje i pedagogické práci a podílí se na rozvoji mladých talentů v oblasti klavírní hry.

Marcel Javorček je klavírista a pedagog, známý svou virtuozitou a širokým repertoárem. Vystudoval ostravskou konzervatoř a získal ocenění na mezinárodních soutěžích. Pravidelně vystupuje na prestižních festivalech a koncertních pódiích. Jeho interpretace vynikají technickou zdatností a hudební citlivostí. Kromě koncertní kariéry se věnuje také výuce klavírní hry a sdílí své zkušenosti s mladými talenty.

Zkušenosti návštěvníků

Philippa B.

Fabulous venue! Beautiful room and set up and the programme was very enjoyable . My suggestion would be for these talented musicians to be introduced after the first item so we can get to know them a bit as their names are not in the programme . At the same time let us know the name of the unnamed flute solo . Very talented musicians thankyou 

Ronald W.

The afternoon performance at Lobkowicz Palace was an absolute delight. The three member chamber group were all excellent. I would highly recommend both visiting Lobkowicz Palace and attend, if possible a matinee in their music room.

Bernadette O.

This was an outstanding concert. The pianist was not only fascinating to listen to but to watch too, her total immersion in the music was transmitted to all in the audience. I loved the way that she acknowledged the children in the audience, it was a magical hour, well worth a visit. I discovered a few days after the matinee that ticket included entrance to the Museum plus an audio guide!

Patricia C.

A very special moment in time. It was a luxury and privilege to sit in a beautiful room and listen to such varied music, particularly by Czech composers, delivered with professionalism and skill by three wonderful players. I loved the pianist's thrilling interpretation of some of the pieces and the musicianship of the flautist and of the gentleman who played the viola. Thank you for a fabulous experience.

Andrew D.

There were a fantastic group of performers and pieces for this concert. Assuming the set list changes a bit seasonally, I would definitely attend one of these concerts again. Perhaps a bit of background on the pieces (maybe in the pamphlet) would be a nice addition. I did know a number of them, but regardless of the level of familiarity it would be a good touch - even if only a sentence or two about the history of a piece or the significance of selecting it for the program.

Alison A.

It was my first visit to Prague and one of the highlights of my trip was the Heart of Pearls lunchtime concert at the Lubkowicz Palace. The performance was varied with a lovely choice of well known and lesser known pieces beautifully played by the pianist, flautist and violinist. I had lunch in the cafe, spent some time shopping in the souvenir shop before the concert. I also spent an hour in the museum. The information displayed is clear and very informative. I would highly recommend this beautiful event as part of a cultural trip to Prague.

Brian M.

It was a long walk through Prague Castle grounds and we had to ask the way, but the concert was fine and we enjoyed it. The pianist was particularly good. We afterwards had lunch -10% discount and bought a present in the gift shop 40czk off.

Carl M.

We purchased the combo ticket and thoroughly enjoyed touring the museum. An added bonus was the 10% discount in the café where we enjoyed a most pleasing, and affordable, lunch. The musical performance featured flute, viola and piano. The repertoire was challenging, especially when performed by only three musicians. The flautist was good but the length of some of her numbers tested her ability. The pianist was talented and played with enthusiasm, although sometimes with a heavier hand than I thought was necessary. Prague has been in the midst of a heat wave. The concert hall is within the palace and quite lovely. Some windows were opened but it would have been preferable to open additional windows to create a cross flow. We enjoyed our concert for its simplicity and the lovely palace setting.

Sandra S.

My friends (6 of us in total) thoroughly enjoyed the one hour performance. We were all so relaxed that we practically melted into the chairs! Perfect setting with wonderful music. The blue chairs were a little uncomfortable for one of my friends who has a slight physical disability. There were comfortable chairs in the room but our tickets said we had to sit in the blue chairs. The only other thing i would say is the performers never introduced themselves. It would have been nice if they had said a few words before entertaining us with their extraordinary talent. I would definitely recommend this a must see when visiting beautiful Praque.

Geraldine J.

This was a fantastic concert. Very talented pianist and flutist. Thoroughly enjoyed and would go again. My advise would be to book the Gold seats .... they are only a little more expensive and the seats more comfortable.