
This 16th-century palace boasts a breathtaking panoramic view that enhances the unique cultural experiences housed within: The Lobkowicz Collections and museum, classical music concerts, restaurant & café, shop, and elegant event rooms.

Are you unsure how to get to the Lobkowicz Palace?

Are you unsure on how to reach the Lobkowicz Palace? Check out our map of all of the entrances to the Prague Castle complex with every possible way of reaching us.  


The Palace features an audio-guided museum that invites visitors to explore Bohemian and European history through the unique perspective of the Lobkowicz family and the Lobkowicz Collections—one of Europe’s oldest and finest private art collections, comprised of items dating back over 2,000 years. Highlights include paintings by Bruegel the Elder, Canaletto, and Velázquez and hand-annotated manuscripts by Mozart and Beethoven. The audio guide is narrated in English by two generations of the Lobkowicz family and the collections’ curators (also available in 10 other languages). The additional Prague InSpires Panorama audio tour introduces visitors to the city’s most iconic landmarks in under 30 minutes from the Lobkowicz Palace balcony.

And Yet It Is Round!

We invite you to visit a new temporary exhibition that enriches the permanent collection at the Lobkowicz Palace with a unique showcase of historical globes and the history of globe-making in the early modern period. The exhibition also features period maps and travelogues.

Lobkowicz Palace Restaurant & Café

After touring the museum, enjoy homemade Czech and International cuisine in true palatial splendor—crowned with a panoramic view of Prague.


Built in the mid-16th century, the Lobkowicz Palace is one of the most significant cultural sites in the Czech Republic and the only private, family-owned palace in the Prague Castle complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Palace witnessed some of Bohemia’s most important historical events. Confiscated twice in the 20th century by the Nazi and Communist regimes, it was restituted to the Lobkowicz family in 2002. In 2007, the family reconstructed and opened the Palace and its collections to the public.


Listen to pearls of classical music performed in our beautiful Baroque Concert Hall featuring exquisite 17th-century frescoes.

Classical Music Concerts are held daily from 13:00–14:00 at the Lobkowicz Palace.

Programs & Events

Education Programs Lobkowicz Palace

Explore our arts, history, and preservation-focused educational programs offered at the Lobkowicz Palace.

Concerts at the Lobkowicz Palace

Listen to pearls of classical music in the 17th century Baroque Concert Hall.

Private Tours

Book an exclusive private tour with one of our expert curators or a member of the Lobkowicz family.

Opening Hours

Lobkowicz Palace

  • Mon-Sun: 10:00–17:00

Winter Season

January 7–March 31, 2025: 10:00–17:00  
From April 1, 2025: 10:00–18:00 

Restaurant & Café



January 7–March 31, 2025: 10:00–17:00  
From April 1, 2025: 10:00–18:00

Tour lasts 1 h 30 min. Club members of Lobkowicz Collections have free entry to the museum.

Tips for Visitors


Alena Procházková

Vážená rodino Lobkowicz. Včera jsem navštívila Lobkovický palác. Byl to nádherný a velmi obohacující zážitek. Až se tají dech s jakou láskou a citem máte vše připravené. Úžasné! Za ty krásné chvíle, které jsem zde zažila Vám moc děkuji.

Lukáš Drlík

Vážené paní a pánové, milí zaměstnanci muzea v Lobkowiczkém paláci,
 v neděli 4. července jsem společně se svou maminkou, která den před tím oslavila své 70. narozeniny, navštívil Lobkowiczký palác na Pražském hradě. Oba dva jsme byli prohlídkou paláce a rodového muzea nadšení. Velké poděkování patří všem lidem, kteří se na přípravě krásných expozic podíleli. Tváří v tvář mnohým nádherným a vzácným exponátům jsem pociťoval dojetí.
 Pochvalu si zaslouží i slečny, které byly na pokladně a které mé mamince, která chodí o dvou francouzských holích, pohotově nabídly výtah.
 Velmi nás potěšil i milý přístup personálu kavárny, na jejíž terase jsme strávili příjemné chvíle s překrásným výhledem na Prahu. Naše první návštěva u Vás určitě nebyla poslední! Přeji Vám všem krásné dny a příjemně strávené léto.

Klára Maťašová

Dobrý den, včera jsem byla v Lobkowiczkém paláci na prohlídce; chtěla bych Vám touto cestou poděkovat za krásný zážitek. Bylo neskutečné vidět všechna díla osobně (ne pouze online). S velkou radostí k Vám znovu zavítám. Přeji krásný den a spoustu návštěvníků.

National Defense University, USA

Our August event went beyond our expectations. Our guests talked about the memorable location, food, and excellent service. The evening set the bar for future events.

Aspen Institute Central Europe

On behalf of the Aspen Institute Central Europe, I would like to sincerely thank you for hosting us for our Aspen CE Annual Gala Dinner in your Lobkowicz Palace in Prague last week.

The venue, service, and food were superb and it added to the high-quality event we desired to provide for our guests. We are modestly able to say that it seems we achieved our goal, we received a lot of positive feedback and a part of that belongs to you and the services provided. I hope you enjoyed the evening as well, thank you so much for being there with us.

Peterka Partners

Everything was perfectly organized, the set-up was perfect, entertainment was amazing, and food and drinks were excellent.

PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Dana Syrová, ředitelka LOBKOWICZ abonmá
DZK - Travel - Olivier Roman, owner
Svaz výrobců cementu ČR, Jan Gemrich